Skill Enhancement Programs

Skill Enhancement Programs

At SVU, we take personality building just as seriously as academic excellence as it is just as much a contributing factor in the employability of a person. Hence, we regularly conduct Placement Enhancement Programs to hone those extra skills of our students that are highly valued in any industry, which makes them stand out as more competent during the job application process. Some of our key programs are:

*  Training in leadership, organizational, networking and other interpersonal skills.
*  Relevant corporate interaction through workshops, seminars and guest lectures     conducted by industry leaders.
*  Preparation for aptitude tests, group discussions and mock interviews top remote     problem solving and quick thinking.
*  Profile-specific training and guidance.
*  Training through live simulations of a production environment.

These programs include hands-on experience and student-industry interaction that connects his/her thinking process to the industry requirements through expert grooming and training, which gives our students the much-needed edge in a sea of applications in any hiring process.
